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原标题:想知道澳洲医学院怎么正确的挑选适宜的学生 你有必要了解一下PQA

这个论题要从现有的医师集体映射出的现象开端。研讨查询标明(Willcock et al., MJA, 181, 2004, 357 - 360)绝大多数的医师是合格过硬的好医师,但也有一些存在这样那样相对应的问题:

  1. 某些医师集体交流交流比较捉急,往往体现在与搭档医师还有护理、患者还有患者家族之间;
  2. 还有一些不符合作业标准的行为,据有关数据标明,从2000-2004年之间,澳洲简直每1000个医师就会有53人的不标准行为引发投诉和司法的介入,并使医院和医师作业蒙上一层暗影(e.g.Dr Shipman, Dr Martin in UK; Dr Patel, Dr Reeves in Australia);
  3. 医师作业的本身原因:急死扶伤压力山大,作业时间长,难以保持作业于本身日子的平衡,然后导致一系列的问题。在西班牙37%的全科医师在作业中会感到压力和焦虑,在英国每五个医师里边就有一个曾今寻求过心理医师的协助。
  4. 从压力导致的药物乱用层出不穷。在英国每15名医师中有1人在作业生计中变得依靠酒精或抗击郁闷和苦楚的药品 (UK, GMC, 2005)

这儿笔者想到了豪斯医师里的 vicodin


来历 :Doximity

那医学生的状况怎么呢?研讨标明(J Yates & D James, BMJ 332 (2006) 1009-1013)英国医学院以为均匀10-15%的每年选取重生会学的反常困难,其间的有些是不符合标准的(unsuitable)。 澳大利亚一所医学院最终一年的26%都处于高压力状态下,第一年和第二年医学生中有30%患有高血压心情困扰程度(西班牙),纽卡斯尔大学一年级医学生中31%的症状水平评分为简略症状量表≥BSI成人精力病住院患者的标准。

Global Severity Index compared to BSI norms

为何会形成这样的状况?根本原因仍是医学院的挑选形式过度的往往查询了提名人积极向上好的部分而忽视了那些有必要留意一下的“前期预兆”,全A的成果,超高的认知才能,还有比较好的交流才能。总而言之,‘the brightest and best’, ‘the cream of the cream’。笔者以为这样的做法也无可厚非,但也会形成很多好苗子的流失和一些“伪适宜”人选的当选。那问题来了,咱们所认知的好医师具有哪些质量呢,下图依据PPIK理论(将智力作为进程 Process,特性 Personality,爱好Interests和智能作为常识Knowledge 整合在一起)做了一个比较好的总结。



那剩余的部分怎么办? 面试Interview (MMI和Panel Discussion)来看咯。 在澳洲只要1项研讨标明,面试成果能够猜测医学院的成果 (Newcastle 1988) ,不过跟着PQA考试评价系统的树立,问题引刃而解了。







Interpersonal Values Questionnaire

The Exam Dilemma. © Miles Bore, PQA, 2003


Peter and Jenny have known each other from childhood. Although from different families, they have always attended the same school and have lived next door to each other all their lives. They are as close as brother and sister. They are now in their final year of school.

In a Mathematics exam, Peter happens to glance at Jenny who is sitting some three desks away and sees her take a sheet of paper from her coat pocket. Peter continues to stare and cannot believe what he is seeing - Jenny is cheating.

Some time after the exam, a teacher approaches Peter and says, "Jenny is in a lot of trouble. She has been accused of cheating, but I am certain she would not do that. You were sitting near her in the exam. Would you come with me to see the School Principal now and say that you saw no evidence of her cheating?"

What is your opinion? How do you feel about each of the following statements?

Question 1: Close friends should always look after each other

  1. Strongly Agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly Disagree

Question 2: Cheating is always wrong

  1. Strongly Agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly Disagree

Question 3: It is important to get the best marks you can, whatever it takes

  1. Strongly Agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly Disagree

Question 4: Some things are greater than friendships

  1. Strongly Agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly Disagree

Question 5: A good friend is always forgiving

  1. Strongly Agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly Disagree

Question 6: The truth must always be told regardless of who might get hurt

  1. Strongly Agree
  2. Agree
  3. Disagree
  4. Strongly Disagree



Interpersonal Traits Questionnaire

© Don Munro, PQA, 2003

This test contains 100 statements about the way you might behave and think in certain situations, and general statements about people.

Read each of them quickly and decide whether you think each statement is:

A: definitely false

B: false on the whole

C: true on the whole

D: definitely true

1) I am aware of how frustrated I can get

2) I think others would describe me as easy going

3) I know I am more capable than most people

4) Others will talk, but I will act

5) I often feel dominated by others



Personal Characteristics Inventory

© Miles Bore, PQA, 2008

This test contains 100 statements about the way you might behave and think in certain situations.

Read each of them quickly and decide whether you think each statement is:

A: definitely false

B: false on the whole

C: true on the whole

D: definitely true

1) I am always early for appointments

2) I am an emotional person

3) I like to explore new ideas

4) I often feel that people are talking about me

5) I have trouble sleeping after a busy day



“The PQA is an admissions test used by the University of Adelaide for selection for admission to our medical and dental degrees. The PQA is a test that has been widely used to help universities to select applicants with the most appropriate mental abilities, attitudes, and professional behaviours required for new doctors to be successful in their clinical careers.

PQA results form part of the selection into the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree and remain the property of the University of Adelaide’s Faculty of Health and

Medical Sciences. PQA results can only be used for one admissions cycle. Results from the PQA will determine whether or not you receive an invitation to an interview. “

The fee to sit the PQA is AUD $500.00. Payment must be submitted to complete a valid registration prior to 11:59pm (ACST time) on Sunday 30 June 2019. You will be refused entry to sit the PQA test if payment has not been received correctly. Payment is made via credit card. Late payments are not accepted.

Test dates and locations

The faculty will be offering the PQA in the following locations in July 2019:

• Thursday 25 July - Adelaide PQA

• Friday 26 July - Kuala Lumpur PQA

• Monday 29 July - Toronto PQA

• Tuesday 30 July - Hong Kong PQA

• Wednesday 31 July - Singapore PQA












